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Ce que le genre fait aux SHS

Les études anglophones, notamment en civilisation, sont souvent à la croisée de plusieurs disciplines des sciences humaines et sociales, et c’est la raison pour laquelle nous relayons la publication de ce dossier paru dans la revue de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, #1257. Le dossier a été édité par Armelle Andro, Marie Garrau et Alexandrine Guyard-Nedelec.

La couverture du numéro

Vous pourrez le lire en ligne <a rel="noreferrer noopener" href="” target=”_blank”>ici (sur Calameo), ou bien le retrouver sur la page web de la revue.

En plus du dossier, vous y trouverez une infographie sur les violences de genre, un entretien avec Sharon Cowan sur les violences sexuelles dans les universités britanniques, un article sur la série Mrs America, etc.

Féminisme et radicalité dans les Amériques au tournant des XIXe-XXe siècles

Dans la continuité de la publication que nous venons de relayer sur le carnet, nous vous signalons la quatrième séance du séminaire Perspectives Transaméricaines, qui s’intitule “Féminisme et radicalité dans les Amériques au tournant des XIXe-XXe siècles” et qui aura lieu le 2 février 2021 de 17h à 19h – En ligne

Inscriptions en ligne obligatoires

Coordination scientifique et discussion : Lissell Quiroz (CY Cergy Paris Université / Civilisation)

Intervenantes : Jules Falquet (Université de Paris / Sociologie) et Hélène Quanquin (Université de Lille / Civilisation)

Événement Facebook

Depuis 2018, le séminaire mensuel « <a rel="noreferrer noopener" href="http://Perspectives transaméricaines » se propose de confronter les visions de chercheur·es travaillant sur les différents territoires et aires culturelles des Amériques et de la Caraïbe. À chaque séance, deux brèves interventions (10 minutes) sur un même thème et sur différentes régions du continent seront reprises par un·e discutant·e. Ce séminaire se tient désormais en ligne, *de 17h à 19h, le premier mardi de chaque mois.*

Les femmes américaines entre féminisation du politique et politisation de l’intime

Le dossier principal du dernier numéro de la Revue Textes & Contextes s’inscrit pleinement dans les thématiques de recherche chères à la SAGEF et s’intitule Les femmes américaines entre féminisation du politique et politisation de l’intime. Ce dossier est codirigé par Christen Bryson, Elodie Gamache et Olivier Maheo. 

Voici le lien pour y accéder et le sommaire ci-dessous. Bonne lecture !

  • Christen Bryson, Elodie Gamache, Olivier Maheo et Anne-Claire Sanz-Gavillon

Les femmes américaines entre féminisation du politique et politisation de l’intime [Texte intégral]

  • I. Engagements : la défense des intimes convictions du genre ?
    • Amélie Ribieras

Les femmes conservatrices d’Eagle Forum au carrefour d’enjeux contradictoires : engagement militant et discours autour des sphères séparées et de la famille, des années 1970 à nos jours [Texte intégral]

  • Maxime André

« Time to stop praying » : socio-histoire d’une mise en œuvre féminine de la Prohibition aux États-Unis [Texte intégral]

  • II. Une femme américaine actrice : l’identité intime d’une vie publique au fil du temps
    • Mélanie Létocart

Entrevista con Gioconda Belli: Identidades, feminismos y maternidad [Texte intégral]

  • III. L’infrapolitique des femmes : l’écriture de soi, un intime politisé
    • Méliné Kasparian

‘This Unlocked House’: The Intrusion of Politics in Contemporary Chicana Autobiography [Texte intégral]

  • Aurore Turbiau

“Le privé est politique” comme paradoxe littéraire : révolution et intimité chez les Québécoises Louky Bersianik et France Théoret [Texte intégral]

  • Antonia Rigaud

Intimité et éthique du care dans Les Argonautes de Maggie Nelson [Texte intégral]

  • IV. Oppressions patriarcales, étatiques : du stigmate des femmes en politique à l’instrumentalisation des stéréotypes de genre
    • Laura Carpentier-Goffre

« Du père au droit, la conséquence est bonne » : une étude sociologique de la frontière public/privé au prisme des violences faites aux travailleuses domestiques en Bolivie et au Pérou [Texte intégral]

  • Carole Trévise

Occupation des espaces politiques et violence genrée : le cas des USA aujourd’hui [Texte intégral]

  • Luzmara Curcino

La femme qui lit : stéréotypes sexistes dans les représentations de Dilma Rousseff en tant que lectrice dans les médias au Brésil [Texte intégral]

SFBH: Jane Humphries, “History from Underneath: Girls and the Industrial Revolution”

La prochaine séance du Séminaire franco-britannique d’histoire, jeudi 10 décembre à 17h (Zoom), est susceptible d’intéresser les membres de la Sagef :

Investigations of the effects of industrialisation on young people usually (reflecting the sources available) focus on boys and young men.  Yet historians are suspicious that girls, while relatively disadvantaged in working-class households, still contributed to  ‘the story of Europe’s path to industrial development’ (Maynes et al, 2005, 5) . This paper investigates the position of girls in working-class families using working-class life writing, comparing women’s stories with those of men (Humphries, 2010).  It asks how the expectations and stresses of family life impacted on girls, and whether this left them disadvantaged relative to their brothers in seizing the opportunities and fending off the threats to wellbeing occasioned by economic change.  My comparative review reveals many similarities between boy and girls’ experiences but some important differences.  Girls shared in the dip in age at starting work that earlier work has shown boys experienced in the early nineteenth century, but throughout the period studied, they had less education and narrower job opportunities.  One startling finding concerns the unsettling evidence of girls’ greater vulnerability to sexual predation, which in turn provided constraints on how women lived their lives. Moreover, the gendering of life chances spilled over from the economic to the demographic, for maternity looms over the women’s accounts, a destiny shared with mothers who had faced the same horrors of childbirth without effective medical assistance or analgesics. Girls anticipated the gendered trials and tribulations which their mothers endured and this united them.  

Jane Humphries est professeure retraitée d’histoire économique à l’université d’Oxford. Elle est notamment l’auteure de Childhood and Child Labour in the British Industrial Revolution (Cambridge University Press, 2011). Sur le même sujet, elle a  co-écrit et présenté le documentaire de BBC4, The Children Who Built Victorian Britain (disponible sur YouTube).

Irish History since the 1910s : a Century of Women?

Dans le cadre du séminaire de recherche portant sur la thématique de : “La voix et les vocalités”, une séance sur l’histoire de l’Irlande au 20ème siècle et, plus précisément, sur l’enjeu de la pluralisation des récits historiques, aura lieu le jeudi 3 décembre prochain à 15h30, qui pourrait intéresser nombre de Sagefistes !

Thursday December 3rd, 3.30pm to 5pm: Irish History since the 1910s : a Century of Women? Guest speaker: Lynda Walker 

Lynda Walker was one of the authors of the website “A Century of Women”, which was born out of the work done in Reclaim the Agenda by members who seek to write women into history and to take action to ensure women from the 20th century in Ireland are acknowledged. She will explain how the website was conceived, designed and implemented. 

Lynda Walker was lecturer for 31 years in Higher Education of which 15 years was in Women’s Studies, covering history, politics and sociology, alongside this, Lynda was a Civil Rights and Trade Union activist and is a main driver within the Women’s Movement in Northern Ireland to this day. Her degree is in Politics & Anthropology and a Masters in Educational Research, from Queens University Belfast, with her dissertation, Women’s Activities in Northern Ireland, “Caught Up In Conflict “-published Macmillan Press 1986. Eds Rosemary Ridd & Helen Calloway. During the late 70’s Lynda was instrumental in getting the first Women’s Centre opened in Belfast and is a former Commissioner with the Equal Opportunities Commission, now known as the Equality Commission NI. 

Chair : Joana Etchart (UPPA) 

La séance sera diffusée à partir du logiciel TEAMS. Si vous souhaitez y participer, veuillez vous inscrire au préalable à l’adresse suivante : Vous recevrez un lien vous permettant de suivre la séance. 

AG Sagef 2020

L’Assemblée générale annuelle de la SAGEF se tiendra demain, mercredi 25 novembre à 18h sur Zoom (lien et ordre du jour envoyés par email).

Nous souhaitons en profiter pour initier une réflexion collective pour proposer des activités de recherche “Covid-compatibles” pour la SAGEF : chèr·es Sagefistes, n’hésitez pas à proposer vos suggestions !

CFP: Photography and Resistance – MAI: Feminism & Visual Culture

MAI: Feminism & Visual Culture invites authors with expertise in visual and cultural studies, as well as in related disciplines, to contribute to our new focus issue on photography and resistance. The issue will be co-edited with Dr Kylie Thomas, a Marie Skłodowska-Curie, Research Fellow at the Netherlands Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies.

We are particularly interested in contributions that critically illuminate the lives and work of women and non-binary photographers, particularly those who have drawn on the insights and practices of intersectional feminism and anti-racism.

Background & Inspiration

Photography, as Yvonne Vera writes, ‘has often brought forth the most loaded fraction of time, a calcification of the most unequal, brutal, and undemocratic moment of human encounter’ (Vera 1999). It has also been used as a form of resistance to repressive regimes, to oppose war and violence, and as a means of challenging heteronormative patriarchy. It can serve as a tool of critique, granting visibility to events, people or demonstrations of power that are otherwise not intended to be seen. And, feminist and LGBTQ+ photographers have taken up cameras to produce entirely new visual vocabularies, to reimagine the world and challenge hegemonic ways of seeing.

How women and non-binary photographers made use of the medium as a form of resistance came into clear view at the time of the Second World War. One example of photographers working at that time was Claude Cahun, whose photomontages reinvented the human form and refused normative conceptions of the body.

In 1937, Cahun moved to the Isle of Jersey with her partner Suzanne Malherbe, who practised as an artist under the name Marcel Moore. From the start of the German occupation of the island in July 1940 until they were arrested in 1944 and sentenced to death for their resistance activities, Cahun and Moore produced pamphlets and visual materials that they distributed across the island in defiance of the Nazi occupation (Thynne 2010).

Elsewhere, photographers such as Emmy Andriesse, Eva Besnyö and Violette Cornelius formed a photographers’ organisation in the Dutch resistance movement, known as De Ondergedoken Camera (The Hidden Camera). And, once she obtained forged papers, Andriesse, who was Jewish, documented the occupation of Amsterdam at the risk of being murdered by the Nazis (Baring 2013).

Later, in the United States, Doris Derby, Diana Davies, Ruth-Marion Baruch, and Maria Varela documented the Civil Rights Movement (Speltz 2016).

In the US, Nan Goldin’s intimate portraits of her friends, shot over several decades and through the height of the HIV/AIDS pandemic, refused state-prescribed moralising and the silencing of alternative forms of kinship (Junge 2016).

Another visual activist, Zanele Muholi has used photography as a way not only to honour the lives of LGBTQI+ Black Africans, but also as a form of advocacy in campaigns against homophobic hate crimes (Baderoon 2011; Lewin 2019).

More recently, Nona Faustine’s ‘White Shoes’ series (2014) consisted of images of the artist in locations around New York City that evoked the repressed history of slavery in the United States. Her work reclaimed the Black female body as a source and site of resistance against the violence of both the past and the present (Diabate 2020).

By no means has such work been limited to the West. For example, Her Pixel Story in Kashmir, the Thuma Collective in Myanmar, and the Kaali Collective in Bangladesh are contemporary photography collectives making use of the medium to resist repressive regimes.

In South Africa, the 1980s saw Lesley Lawson, Deseni Moodliar, Zubeida Vallie and Gille de Vlieg joining Afrapix, the anti-apartheid photography collective. Many of their images drew attention to the vital role played by women in the struggle for freedom in South Africa (Lawson 1985; Comley, Hallett & Ntsoma 2006).

In the last decade, women and non-binary activist-photographers have taken part in resistance movements across the world, from the Arab Spring to Black Lives Matter. Recent exhibitions, such as ‘Still I Rise: Feminisms, Gender, Resistance. Act 2’, at the De La Warr Pavilion (2018), ‘Another Eye: Women Refugee Photographers’ in Britain after 1933 at Four Corners (2020), and a major solo show of the work of Zanele Muholi at the Tate Modern, (2020), all testify to the growing interest in this field.

However, the ways in which women and non-binary artists, writers, (art) historians, thinkers and activists have made use of photography as a form of resistance remain under-researched. Therefore, to contribute to the field of feminist studies, this focus issue of MAI intends to honour female resistance in photography and critically engage with such work via contemporary and historical analysis.

Suggested (but not Exclusive) Areas of Examination:

Feminist/LGBTQI+/anti-racist artists and activists’ photography as a form of resistance (formal, content, discursive & circulation analysis)
Women and non-binary photographers documenting conflict, protest and political violence
Circulation and reception of photographs by women and non-binary photographers during times of conflict and war (feminist publications/posters/activism/resistance archives)
Women and non-binary photographers who participated in resistance movements during the Second World War
Women and non-binary photographers who formed part of, and documented anti-hegemonic (anti-colonial, anti-communist, anti-capitalist, anti-apartheid) struggles
Photographers who have visualised their bodies as forms of resistance to racist, heteronormative patriarchy (such as Berni Searle, Nona Faustine, Zanele Muholi)
Photographers whose work provides a form of resistance to cultural amnesia and systemic erasures
Contributions that focus on the under-researched topic of the work of women and non-binary photographers from the Majority World.
300-500-word Abstracts Deadline: 12 December 2020

Full Articles Deadline: 30 May 2021

MAI considers submissions in the following formats:

academic research articles (6000-8000 words)
interviews (1000-3000 words)
creative writing (poems, short stories, creative responses, max 3000 words)
video essays (5-10 min + a brief supporting statement 800-1000 words)
photographs, visual/audiovisual or interactive art
All articles will be peer-reviewed.

Proposed publication date: the first half of 2022.

MAI formatting guidelines: 
Please send your abstracts to kyliethomas.south(at) & contact(at)

Blak Feminism. Rapports sociaux de sexe et de race dans la poésie et l’art contemporains des Premières Nations d’Australie

Nous vous informons de la soutenance de la thèse de doctorat de Mylène Charon, « *Blak Feminism*. Rapports sociaux de sexe et de race dans la poésie et l’art contemporains des Premières Nations d’Australie ».

La soutenance aura lieu jeudi 22 octobre 2020 à 9h à l’université de Cergy

Le jury sera composé de :

Rémi Astruc, Professeur, Université Cergy-Paris (Directeur de thèse)

Sylvie André, Professeure, Université de Polynésie française (Rapporteure)

Sylvie Brodziak, Professeure, Université Cergy-Paris (Examinatrice)

Xavier Garnier, Professeur, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3

Bronwyn Winter, Professeure, The University of
Sydney, Australie (Examinatrice)

Résumé de la thèse :

La situation des femmes dans les colonies et celle des peuples Autochtones dans les colonies de peuplement est mentionnée dans les études postcoloniales, mais souvent à titre de question secondaire. Elle se trouve au cœur de cette thèse, qui porte sur les littératures contemporaines d’un groupe social dont l’expérience du sexisme est toujours en même temps
façonnée par celle du racisme, les femmes des Premières Nations d’Australie. En s’appuyant sur un corpus large, composé d’œuvres de plus de trente artistes et autrices dont elle fait apparaître les liens intertextuels, elle affirme l’existence d’un positionnement collectif féministe blak, d’après l’auto-définition Autochtone qui prévaut en Australie depuis les années 1990. Le corpus permet donc d’observer la manière, additive, intersectionnelle ou consubstantielle, dont de multiples oppressions sont représentées. Il vise ainsi une meilleure compréhension des réserves des femmes Autochtones australiennes à l’égard d’un certain féminisme blanc, en les mettant en perspective avec les critiques adressées depuis les années 1980 par les féministes noires anglo-américaines au féminisme hégémonique. Les liens entre politique et littérature y sont repensés, à la faveur de l’analyse de la résistance à l’impérialisme et au patriarcat, telle qu’elle s’exprime dans ces canaux alternatifs que sont la poésie et l’art contemporains. Les textes, sélectionnés pour leur force d’interpellation et leur portée intersubjective, engagent enfin une réflexion sur les positions d’objet et de sujet de la recherche, à partir de la situation de la chercheuse et ses implications sur la production de savoirs.

CFP: Patriarchal backlashes to feminism in times of crisis (EJES)

Call for papers for EJES Volume 26 (2022)

The editors of EJES are issuing calls for papers for the three issues of the journal to be published in 2022. Potential contributors are reminded that EJES operates a two-stage review process. The first is based on the submission of detailed proposals (up to 1,000 words) and results in invitations to submit full essays from which a final selection is then made. The deadline for essay proposals for this volume is 30 November 2020, with delivery of completed essays in the spring of 2021 and publication in Volume 26 (2022).


EJES operates a two-stage review process.

  1. Contributors are invited to submit proposals for essays on the topic in question by 30 November 2020.
  2. Following review of the proposals by the editorial board panel, informed by external specialists as appropriate, the guest editors will invite the authors of short-listed proposals to submit full-length essays for review with a spring 2021 deadline.
  3. The full-length essays undergo another round of review, and a final selection as well as suggestions for revisions are made. Selected essays are then revised and resubmitted to the guest editors in late 2021 for publication in 2022.

EJES employs Chicago Style (T&F Chicago AD) and British English conventions for spelling.

Patriarchal backlashes to feminism in times of crisis

“Plus ça change, moins ça change.”

Guest editors: Florence Binard (University of Paris) and Renate Haas (University of Kiel)

Susan Faludi’s bestseller Backlash was first published in 1991, nearly 30 years ago, and yet its message seems to resonate more clearly than ever. It highlighted the pervasive and prevalent reaction of patriarchy (defined broadly as a system of society based on male domination) to the advance of women’s rights. Faludi analysed glossy magazines, movies, TV programmes, the New Right’s war on women, and the neofeminist stance as well as “polished” political discourse and showed that whatever the medium/organ/channel, women from all walks of life were openly or insidiously coaxed and cajoled into fulfilling their so-called natural role as homemakers.

Since then, new technologies and their channels of dissemination have proven to be useful tools for women and feminists to spread their views. But these means of communication are also the vehicles for antifeminist propaganda which is damaging to women’s rights. The achievements of the past are under threat in a growing number of countries if they have not already been reversed. This includes the right to contraception, abortion, education, work, etc. “Freedom of” and “freedom to” remain never-ending battles for women all over the world.

This special issue asks what has happened in Europe between the publication of Faludi’s book and the present in terms of backlash.

Researchers from the different parts of Europe and all disciplines included in ESSE are invited to submit essay proposals. Some of the topics might include:

  • Identifying “true” feminist politics in contemporary society
  • Universal rights versus group rights
  • Accusations of cultural appropriation/state multiculturalism vs women’s rights
  • Untruths used and abused in the current social discourse
  • Visual discourse in advertisement
  • Anti-feminist governmental practices
  • Internet trolls

Detailed proposals (up to 1,000 words) for full essays (7,500 words), as well as a short biography (max. 100 words) should be sent to the editors by 30 November 2020:
Florence Binard ( and Renate Haas (

COLL: “How Long Must Women Wait for Liberty?”

Nous vous rappelons la tenue prochaine du colloque international “‘How 
Long Must Women Wait for Liberty?”: Woman Suffrage and Women’s 
Citizenship in the Long History of the 19th Amendment”, qui aura lieu à 
Lille les 8 et 9 janvier (Maison Européenne des Sciences de l’Homme et 
de la Société) et à l’Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée le 10 janvier 

Vous trouverez le programme complet sur le site du 
colloque :

L’entrée est libre et sans inscription nécessaire, mais l’accès aux 
déjeuners est réservé aux participant.e.s.

Ce colloque a reçu le soutien des institutions suivantes: CECILLE 
(EA4074), CERAPS (UMR 8026), Institut des Amériques, Institut 
Universitaire de France, LISAA (EA 4120), Maison Européenne des Sciences 
de l’Homme et de la Société (Lille), Université de Lille, Université 
Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée.

Organisation : Audrey Célestine (IUF, CERAPS, UdL), Claire Delahaye 
(LISAA, UPEM), Simon Grivet (CECILLE, UdL), Nicolas Martin-Breteau 
(CECILLE, UdL), Hélène Quanquin (CECILLE, UdL), Fatma Ramdani (CECILLE, 
UdL) (avec l’aide de Marine Gomes et Merrine Vanhille).

CFP: Sites of Feminist Memory

Sites of Feminist Memory: Remembering suffrage in Europe and the United States of America

Conference dates: 12-13 May 2020 – Aix en Provence

Keynote speaker:
Dr Sharon Crozier-de Rosa (University of Wollongong), co-author of Remembering Women’s Activism
, Routledge, 2019.

On April 24th 2018, suffragist leader Millicent Garrett Fawcett became the first woman to be honoured with a permanent statue in Parliament Square, one hundred and eighty six years after George Canning, the first of her 11 male predecessors[1]. The unveiling was the culmination of a two-year campaign initiated by activist Caroline Criado Perez. The choice of Fawcett sparked vigorous debate amongst activists and academics alike[2]. Meanwhile, across the Atlantic, the coming centenary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment has inspired #Monumental Women, a grassroots organization, to mount a campaign for the commissioning of a statue honouring the suffrage leaders Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony. This campaign also triggered vigorous accusations that the monument would “white wash” the suffrage past, accusations which resulted in the decision to add the African-American leader Sojourner Truth to the monument[3]. Its unveiling is planned for August 26, 2020 in Central Park, New York. Like Fawcett’s, it will be the first statue of its kind in this most prestigious of public spaces. 

These spectacular enshrinements of leading suffrage campaigners in such quintessential sites of national memory can be read as a form of apotheosis for a process begun by the suffrage campaigners themselves to inscribe the suffrage past into our built environments via statues and street names, commemorative plaques and memorial monuments, community cafés and communal libraries[4]. Building on the very recent work of Vera Mackie and Sharon Crozier-de Rosa[5], interrogating the history and effects of that process of creation of literal ”Sites of Feminist Memory”[6], across Europe and the United States, in local, national and transnational settings, will be a central ambition of this conference. We thus invite papers which focus on such literal sites of feminist memory in Europe and the United States and fruitfully engage with the following themes:

–   Where and why have literal sites of feminist memory appeared?

–   What is their relation to surrounding “lieux de mémoires”[7] and to “national” collective memory?

–   Does the creation of these sites borrow from existing traditions of site-creation or is there anything distinctly “feminist” about this process?

–   Are there only “national” or “local” sites of feminist memory or can transnational sites be identified?

–   What effects on collective understandings of “feminism” and the “feminist” past do these sites have, if any?

–   What consequences did/do they have on feminists’ collective memory?

–   How did they shape feminist identities at the time of their creation?

–   How do they shape them now, if at all?

–   What affects are associated with these sites?

–   How stable are the meanings attached to these sites over time?

The other ambition of this conference will be to ponder the more general question of the place of the suffrage past in what Maria Grever has called the ”Pantheon of Feminist Culture”[8]. She meant by this a loose and evolving collection of ”sites of memory” in the sense of Pierre Nora, that is a set of ”leaders, historical events, monuments, rituals, symbols, images, founding texts and historiography”[9] which become iconic and are drawn on by feminists to justify their struggles and identities to themselves, to each other and to their enemies[10]. As the controversies surrounding the statues in London and New York have highlighted, the suffrage past’s place in that Pantheon is hotly contested. Here, we welcome papers which focus on specific suffrage leaders, events, texts, symbols, and images as contested ”sites of feminist memory” in Europe and the United States and which explore some of the following themes:

–   How have these sites of feminist memory emerged? 

–   What has been at stake in their memorialisation?

–   How has historical research contributed to or undermined memorial narratives about these sites?

–   Has the place of these sites in the Pantheon of Feminist Culture remained constant or ebbed and flowed? And why?

–   Can transnational sites be identified? Or are these inescapably national?

–   What affects are associated with these sites and their contestation?

It is envisaged that the conference will result in a publication and the constitution of a research network with a view to bidding for international, particularly European, funding. 

Please send a 300 word abstract in English to Marc Calvini-Lefebvre ( and Claire Sorin ( by 19 February 2020

Notification of acceptance will be given by 01 March 2020.

This conference is organised by the Laboratoire d’Études et de Recherche sur le Monde Anglophone (LERMA) of Aix-Marseille Université and supported by the Aix-Marseille Initiative d’Excellence (A*MIDEX)

[1] A statue commemorating the suffragette Emmeline Pankhurst was erected in 1930 in Victoria Tower Gardens which run alongside the Houses of Parliament but do not face them as does Parliament Square. 

[2] e.g. Rachel Holmes, ”A new feminist statue is a great idea. Shame they picked the wrong feminist”, The Guardian, April 14, 2017

[3] Martha Jones, “How New York’s new monument whitewashes the women’s rights movement,” The Washington Post, March 22, 2019

[4] Hilda Kean, ‘Searching for the Past in Present Defeat:The Construction of Historical and Political Identity in British Feminism in the 1920s and 1930s’, Women’s History Review 3, no. 1 (1994): 57–80; Hilda Kean, ‘Public History and Popular Memory: Issues in the Commemoration of the British Militant Suffrage Campaign’, Women’s History Review 14, no. 3 & 4 (2005): 581–602; Laura E. Nym Mayhall, ‘Creating the “Suffragette Spirit”: British Feminism and the Historical Imagination’, Women’s History Review 4, no. 3 (1995): 319–44.

[5] Sharon Crozier-De Rosa, Remembering Women’s Activism (London : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2019), especially chapter 1.

[6] Maria Grever, ‘Rivals in Historical Remembrance: Wollstonecraft and Holy Women as “Loci” of Feminist Memory’, The European Journal of Women’s Studies 3 (1996): 101–13.

[7] Pierre Nora, ‘Between Memory and History: Les Lieux de Mémoire’, Representations, no. 26 (1989): 7–24,

[8] Maria Grever, ‘The Pantheon of Feminist Culture: Women’s Movements and the Organization of Memory’, Gender & History 9, no. 2 (August 1997).

[9] Ibid, p. 101

[10] Lisa Tetrault, Myth of Seneca Falls: Memory and the Women’s Suffrage Movement, 1848-1898 (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2014); Marc Calvini-Lefebvre, ‘The Great War in the History of British Feminism: Debates and Controversies, 1914 to the Present’, Revue Française de Civilisation Britannique [Online] XX, no. 1 (2015),

Le roman féministe à la fin de l’ère victorienne

Vient de paraître:

Nathalie Saudo-Welby, Le Courage de déplaire: le roman féministe à la fin de l’ère victorienne, Paris: Classiques Garnier, Collection Masculin/Féminin dans l’Europe moderne, n° 21, 2019, 415 p. ISBN 978-2-406-08583-6, Broché, 36 €.

À la fin du XIXe siècle, avec le développement des revendications féministes, l’opinion publique britannique s’alarme de l’apparition d’un type moderne : la « Nouvelle Femme ». Démonstrative et rebelle, celle-ci réclame une vie émancipée des normes sociales et libérée des lois dites naturelles. Devenue une cible satirique dans la presse, la Nouvelle Femme fait l’objet dans les années 1890 d’un véritable engouement littéraire. Cet ouvrage explique le contexte dans lequel un sous-genre romanesque s’est construit autour d’elle et examine les messages féministes et antiféministes qui s’y entremêlent. On y entendra s’élever la voix de femmes qui, brisant le poids du silence et surmontant leur crainte de déplaire, ont écrit haut et fort.


Combats et réalisations des féministes britanniques à la fin du XIXe siècle
Poétique du roman de la Nouvelle Femme
Didactisme et stratégies narratives
Les discours enchevêtrés
La Femme dégénérée
Voix féminines
La Femme dévoyée
Troubles dans le genre

Chawton House Library

A beautiful library holding early editions of works by women, mostly in English, and mostly within the period 1600-1830. Many of these works are rare and in some cases unique — they should be of interest to the members of the SAGEF specialised in literature (esp. of that period of time)!

Click on the link below to learn more about its collections: